Here you can find reports developed by WCW SRTS.
View reports by clicking on the picture.
Traffic Calming Pop-up
Case Study Report
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration funded a new Traffic Calming Pop-up program. Temporary traffic calming devices were deployed for a week-long in three rural communities in West Central Wisconsin. These were the City of Amery and the Villages of Roberts and Frederic.
Eau Claire
Speed Study Report
Speeding is a common issue identified in many SRTS plans. ECASD was no different. But how fast were vehicles traveling in the school zone? This report provides you with that information and gives recommendations on how to slow traffic down.

Chippewa Falls
Bike Rack Audit
This report categorizes the issues and needs associated with bike racks at each CFAUSD school. Schools are prioritized in high, medium, and low priority.
Eau Claire
Bike Rack Audit
This report categorizes the issues and needs associated with bike racks at each ECASD school. Schools are prioritized in high, medium, and low priority.