SRTS staff helps several school districts around the region to implement SRTS plan action items and promote various engagement and encouragement programs at their schools. Below are all the different services and programs we provide through serving as the Safe Routes to School Coordinator.
Grant Writing
Helping school districts and communities write and submit grant applications helps to implement specific action items. SRTS Staff helps to find funding opportunities and write grant applications.
Graphic Design
Promoting Safe Routes to School is the best way to let community members know about the program and the various events that happen at schools. SRTS Staff can help design infographics, posters, social media graphics, videos, etc. for your use.
Community Outreach
Students will have the opportunity to enter a raffle each time they walk or bike to school. This event usually takes place during National Walk or Bike to School Week. Each raffle entry will have the chance to win prizes.
Speed Radar Studies
After the collection of speeds using radar devices, SRTS staff provides a report highlighting the average speed traveled through the school zone. The report also provides recommendations on ways to calm traffic through the school zone.
Walk and Roll Challenges
Students will have the opportunity to enter a raffle each time they walk or bike to school. This event usually takes place during National Walk or Bike to School Week. Each raffle entry will have the chance to win prizes.
Traffic Calming Pop -ups
With the help of a few cones, we can test out and deploy temporary traffic calming devices near schools to help slow traffic and make it easier for those walking and biking to school.
Bike Rodeos
Bike Rodeos area a great way to teach kids how to be safe while riding a bike. Bike rodeos teach kids various skills through an interactive obstacle course.
Walking School Bus/Bike Trains
Many parents already walk or bike with their child to school. We can work with your school to help find those parents that would be interested in picking up other kids along their route.. like a school bus.