Related programs
Wisconsin Dept. of Health Services, physical activity, and obesity
Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction Coordinated School Health
Healthy kids make better students and better students make healthier communities. this belief is the cornerstone to coordinated school health and the reason why organizations and agencies representing public health, higher education, school districts, parents, and other groups have joined the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) in supporting CSH initiatives. DPI incorporates a variety of strategies to address critical health behaviors and they include funding opportunities; technical assistance; free resources through printed publications, internet, and media resources; and professional development events
Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction Local Wellness Policy
With the passing of the Child nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004, school districts participating in federally subsidized child nutrition programs are required to establish a local school wellness policy. in 2010, Congress passes the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act and added new provisions for local school wellness policies related to implementation, evaluation, and publicly reporting on progress of local school wellness policies. Part of Wisconsin's School Wellness Policy requires schools to set goals for physical activity for their students. Safe Routes to School Programs will help with these goals.
Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction Coordinated School Health Award
The Wisconsin School Health Award is a way to recognize and celebrate schools with policies, programs, and the infrastructure to support and promote healthy eating, physical activity, parental and community involvement, and staff wellness. The goal of this award is to motivate and empower Wisconsin schools as they create and maintain healthy school environments.