West Central Wisconsin
Safe Routes to School
CV SRTS Partnership
Healthy Places by Design
Healthy Places by Design is a strategic partner for communities and those who invest in them, helping turn visions of health into equitable and lasting impact. At local, state, and national scales, they connect community leaders with inspiring success stories, lessons learned and each other to deepen their capacity as change makers. Drawing on their experience supporting hundreds of partnerships, they strengthen assets and enhance efforts to grow an enduring culture of health and wellbeing.
Wisconsin Bike fed
The Wisconsin bike Fed is the only statewide organization that advocates for better bicycling for everyone who rides a bike, whether for transportation, fitness, or recreation. They work with the governor's office, the state legislature, and all relevant government agencies. They attend key meetings. track legislation and budgets and keep their members informed about how decision and dollars will affect them. the Bike Fed is actively involved with Safe Routes to School Programs.
Girls on the Run
The mission of Girls on the Run is to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively integrates running. Meeting in small team or connecting virtually, trained volunteer coaches inspire girls to build confidence and other important life skills through dynamic, interactive lessons and physical activity. the curriculum is through after-school programs, recreation centers and other non-profit settings.
Kid Power
Kid Power is a global non-profit leader dedicated o provided empowering and effect child protection, positive communication, and personal safety skills for all ages and abilities by using millions of people to successfully to create cultures of respect and safety and to prevent and stop harm all over the world.